Learn what an EIN is, how it differs from an SSN, and why you should care if your freelancers have EINs.
A federal Employer Identification Number, nicknamed an EIN or FEIN, is a unique nine-digit number that the IRS issues and uses to identify your business. This EIN is the number your business uses when you file and pay business taxes — think of it as your company’s social security number. Social security numbers and EINs are the FTIN (federal tax identification number) or taxpayer identification number for individuals and business entities, respectively.
Who needs an Employer Identification Number (EIN)?
You must get an EIN if any of the following are true:
Your business has employees other than you. Single-member LLCs are also required to obtain an EIN if it’s going to hire employees.
Your business is a corporation (C corporation or an S corporation) or a partnership (both general and limited partnerships).
Your business offers a Keogh pension plan.
Your business withholds taxes on income, other than wages, paid to a non-resident alien.
Your business is involved with the administration of any of the following: trusts (except certain grantor-owned revocable trusts, IRAs, and exempt organization businesses), income tax returns, estates, real estate mortgage investment conduits, non-profit organizations, farmers’ cooperatives, or plan administrators.
A business structured as a sole proprietorship with no employees is the only kind of business that isn’t required to have an EIN. But even sole proprietors sometimes choose to get EINs to keep their social security numbers private (particularly when they work with many different clients). Check out our post on business structures to learn a little more.
Why should I care if my freelancers use an EIN versus a SSN?
When your freelancers use an EIN on their Form 1099, it reinforces their classification as an independent contractor versus someone you should be hiring as a W2 employee. Proper classification ensures you stay compliant.
How do you get an Employer Identification Number (EIN)?
It’s free and easy to get an EIN. Here are three quick ways to do it yourself:
Apply by Mail or Fax.
Apply by Phone.
Liquid encourages independent contractors to use an EIN (versus SSN), reinforcing proper classification of freelancers to ensure you stay compliant. Ready to get started? Try Liquid today!